Level 1 Travel Regulations for South Africa
UPDATE: 12th November 2020
President Ramaphosa has declared South Africa open! All visitors are required to present a COVID negative test that was taken within the last 72 hours before arrival. Should this be presented then visitors will have access to visit.
Total Active Cases as of 21st November 2020
- Gauteng: 427
- KwaZulu-Natal: 6 021
- Western Cape: 6 826
- Eastern Cape: 10 412
- Free State: 7 711
- North West: 1 168
- Mpumalanga: 473
- Limpopo: 389
- Northern Cape: 3 353
16th September 2020
As of the 16th of September 2020, President Ramaphosa has announced that South Africa will be advancing to level 1 restrictions for both commerce and travel. There is, however, still a curfew in place from midnight to 4am during level 1. Here’s everything you need to know about traveling without South Africa and for entering the country.
Please note: All COVID-19 health and safety protocols must be followed at all times, including observance of guidelines for social distancing, sanitation and hygiene, and use of appropriate personal protective equipment, like cloth face masks, as determined by the National Department of Health.
Personal Movement and Local Travel
All limitations on personal travel have been released, however, persons are encouraged to limit movement to essential travel. Walking, jogging and cycling permitted without restrictions, however, restaurants/social gatherings may not surpass 50% capacity.
Travellers from African Countries
“To facilitate free movements of people, goods and services from South Africa, SADC and the African continent, travellers from the neighbouring countries are allowed to visit our country.
Travellers from all African countries are allowed and must possess relevant travel documents, and will also be screened for COVID-19 symptoms.
To allow ease of travel from the African countries, 18 borders will be opened. 35 border posts will continue to offer restricted services due to insufficient capacity for screening, testing and quarantine. Travellers who present themselves at borders which are unable to accommodate them will be directed to the currently operational border posts for processing.” – Minister Naledi Pandor, International Relations
International Travel To South Africa
- A limited number of international borders to South Africa will open up.
- Only Cape Town International, Oliver Thambo (Joburg) and King Shaka (Durban) airports will open.
- Those who arrive will need to supply a negative Covid test result document, not older than 72 hours.
- If visitors can not supply this document, they will be required to go into 2 week quarantine at a venue to their own expense.
- Download the Covid Alert SA app.
- Travel WILL be restricted from high risk countries.
Banned Countries To South Africa (as of 30th September 2020)
Argentina | Chile | Georgia | Iran |
Armenia | Columbia | Greece | Iraq |
Austria | Costa Rica | Guatemala | Ireland |
Bahrain | Croatia | Guyana | Israel |
Belgium | Czech Republic | Honduras | Jamaica |
Bolivia | Denmark | Hungary | Jordan |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ecuador | Iceland | Kuwait |
Lebanon | Nepal | Peru | Suriname |
Luxemburg | Netherlands | Portugal | Switzerland |
Maldives | North Macedonia | Puerto Rico | Ukraine |
Malta | Oman | Qatar | United Arab Emirates (UAE) |
Mexico | Palestine | Romania | United Kingdom |
Moldova | Panama | Russia | USA |
Montenegro | Paraguay | Slovakia | Venezuela |
Air Travel
All air travel permitted.
Ocean Transport
All ocean transport permitted.
Public Transport
Public transport will increase to more normal levels. Public rail, minibus taxi and bus services will resume at levels and on terms as will be set out in Directions, based on the progressive increase in commuter numbers during the various phases.
Social distancing when using public and private transport, as per transport guidelines
E-Hailing Services
4. E-hailing services subject to restrictions on capacity and times, and for permitted activities only.
Rules for Traveling
1. Mandatory use of cloth masks (including home-made ones to cover nose and mask) and ensure hand hygiene when in public and at workplace.
2. Social distancing (2m away from other persons) to be applied in public when shopping, visiting health facilities (pharmacies, clinics etc).
3. All public gatherings are prohibited. Outdoor events may have a capacity of 500 persons. Indoor events may have a capacity of 250 persons.
Covid in South Africa September 2020
This is great news for the tourism sector as well as so many workers who have not been able to work to full capacity during lockdown, including entertainers, artists, social workers, to name a few. Looking forward to welcoming you to South Africa soon!